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WeatherSTAR 4000 Timeline

Page updated: November 8, 2024

Here's a list of notable changes made to the WeatherSTAR 4000 from its debut through 1995. Each change is followed by 1-3 examples of it with a local forecast.

February 2, 1990
• First recording of a WeatherSTAR 4000
March 3, 1990
March 5, 1990
April 9, 1990
• First recording with a current radar
April 9, 1990
June 7, 1990
June 8, 1990
July 3, 1990
• Graphics added to presentation
July 3, 1990
July 21, 1990
• Current Radar banner updated ("Your Local Radar" changed to "Current Radar")
July 23, 1990
July 23, 1990
July 23, 1990
August 15, 1990
• Banner added to the Travel Cities Forecast
• Regional map banner position updated to match other screens
August 17, 1990
August 17, 1990
August 18, 1990
• Current Radar color box heights are increased
August 24, 1990
September 1, 1990
September 8, 1990
• Text wipe effect changed from top-bottom to left-right on 36 hour forecast
September 9, 1990
September 11, 1990
September 12, 1990
December 28, 1990
• Highways and counties are added to the current radar
January 7, 1991
February 15, 1991
February 20, 1991
• Page titles are changed to mixed case on all pages
• Extended Forecast becomes a three day graphical format
• Time and date moved to the top right
• "Wipe" effect is removed from the 36 hour forecast
• "Your" is removed from all page titles
• Regional Information changed to Almanac with moon phases and sunrise/sunset data
• Regional forecast icons become animated
February 24, 1991
• Current conditions banner now the same size as all other screens
March 7, 1991
March 22, 1991
April 2, 1991
• Travel Cities Forecast list changed and state abbreviations removed
April 4, 1991
April 6, 1991
April 7, 1991
April 17, 1991
• The Current Conditions page is updated to include a large icon indicating the current weather
• The title is also changed from "Now at (City)" to "Current Conditions"
April 17, 1991
April 18, 1991
April 21, 1991
April 29, 1991
• The Current Conditions and Extended Forecast icon sets are updated
May 22, 1991
May 22, 1991
June 24, 1991
• New Extended Forecast icons are introduced for showers and thunderstorms
June 27, 1991
July 4, 1991
July 6, 1991
July 11, 1991
• The Current Condition weather icons are reduced and more data is added to the page
July 22, 1991
July 23, 1991
July 26, 1991
September 26, 1991
• Regional forecast icons are updated to animate from left to right for rain, showers, and thunderstorm (previously they had animated right to left)
• Current Condition and Extended Forecast are also icons updated
October 10, 1991
October 13, 1991
October 13, 1991
December 2, 1991
• Regional map icons are updated to match the icons on the Current Condition and Extended Forecast pages
• The Regional Observations page is change from text only to a map
• The Regional Forecast title is changed to "Forecast For (Day)"
• Map cities are customized to each STAR (previously it was a super image)
December 3, 1991
December 4, 1991
December 5, 1991
March 11, 1992
• Almanac top background color changes to an orange gradient
• Current Condition icons updated
• Regional vector icons updated with smaller dimensions
March 21, 1992
April 2, 1992
• Current Conditions icons sizes are decreased again
April 11, 1992
• "Fade" effect removed from the Regional Forecast
April 16, 1992
April 19, 1992
April 20, 1992
August 1, 1992
• Wind direction is changed from an 8 point to 16 point compass in the current conditions ticker
• Colon is removed from "Ceiling:Unlimited"
• Visibility is changed from two to one decimal place in the current conditions ticker
August 8, 1992
August 10, 1992
• "From the National Weather Service" is added to the 36 hour forecast part of the narration
August 10, 1992
August 10, 1992
August 11, 1992
August 31, 1992
• Local Forecast title is compressed to make room for the NOAA logo
• New regional map icons are introduced
• Space added between last "e" and colon for "Pressure:" on Current Conditions page
September 13, 1992
September 24, 1992
October 10, 1992
October 24, 1992
• Pressure tendency added to the current conditions ticker text
October 30, 1992
• "T'storms" changed to "T'Storms" (uppercase "S") on the Extended Forecast
November 11, 1992
• NOAA logo added to the 36 hour forecast
November 11, 1992
November 18, 1992
• Local radar (with a six image loop) added to the J, K, and M flavors
• Flavors lineups changed for J, K, L, and M
• Travel Cities Forecast changed to weather icons with a dark blue gradient background
November 21, 1992
November 21, 1992
November 21, 1992
November 25, 1992
• Travel Cities Forecast temporarily reverts to the previous text version (probably because the new version wasn't always advancing to the next screen)
December 4, 1992
• New Travel Cities Forecast returns with "NY City" changed to "New York"
December 11, 1992
December 11, 1992
December 11, 1992
August 12, 1993
• Phoenix replaces Hartford on the Travel Cities Forecast
August 13, 1993
August 16, 1993
August 27, 1993
• City name in the current conditions ticker changed to mixed case from all caps
• Latest Observations city names changed to mixed case from all caps
• 30 Day Outlook page simplified
August 31, 1993
August 31, 1993
September 8, 1993
• Ellipsis (...) replaced with commas in zone forecasts, except for the day
September 8, 1993
September 17, 1993
• Ellipsis (...) replaced with commas in the vertical scrolls and crawls
• Warning format changed: After the full screen red scroll, the local radar loops, then the warning appears in place of the current conditions ticker
October 1, 1993
• Latest Observations cities changed to alphabetical order (previously in order by latitude)
• "Conditions at (City)" on the current conditions ticker changed to mixed case
October 4, 1993
• 30 day outlook changed to mixed case, except for the period covered
October 17, 1993
October 31, 1993
• Time and date moved to align with the top right of the blue box
November 13, 1993
• Space removed between last "e" and colon for "Pressure:" on Current Conditions page
November 15, 1993
November 22, 1993
November 22, 1993
December 12, 1993
• Regional map cities changed to mixed case if any part was previously uppercase (ex. ATL City to Atl City)
December 16, 1993
• Latest Observations page and current conditions ticker changed to all mixed case
December 16, 1993
December 18, 1993
December 18, 1993
December 29, 1993
• AM and PM on the Almanac changed to lowercase
January 1, 1994
January 1, 1994
January 1, 1994
April 1, 1994
• Regional map icons updated with new combinations
April 8, 1994
• Regional map icons reverted to the old set
April 16, 1994
April 18, 1994
• New regional map icons return
April 27, 1994
May 25, 1994
May 27, 1994
August 1, 1994
• Radar upgraded to show eight intensity levels (banners are modified to reflect this)
August 2, 1994
August 4, 1994
• Travel Cities Forecast background color changed to dark blue
August 12, 1994
August 14, 1994
August 14, 1994
March 1, 1995
• Local Update (short term forecast) introduced
March 6, 1995
March 7, 1995
March 13, 1995
February 28, 1999