Baseball Weather
Fall Foliage Report
Song: "Light The Fire" by Mark O'Connor
Song: "Dreams" by The Rippingtons
Song: "Starlight" by Makoto Ozone
Song: "Slip Away" by Pat Metheny Group
Song: "Linus And Lucy" by David Benoit
Song: "Tropical Breeze" by David Benoit
Song: "Welcome To The St. James' Club" by The Rippingtons
Garden Weather tips
Song: "The Inns Of Granny White" by Mark O'Connor
Pacific Briefing
Song: "Give It What U Got" by Hiram Bullock
Prime Time Tonight
Skier's Forecast conditions
Song: "Flight" by Network Music
Song: "I Like This Groove" by George Howard
Song: "Earthbound" by The Rippingtons
Weather Highlights
Witch Watch